Kangeikai, Japan’s New People Welcoming Party

Japan is famous for its work and social culture that values relationships between individuals. One form of work culture that every company in Japan must have is Kangeikai.

Kangeikai is an event held to welcome new people who join a group, organization, or company. Kangeikai is usually a party or banquet filled with introductions, remarks, and entertainment2. Kangeikai aims to strengthen the bond and cooperation between people involved in a group, organization, or company.

As an anime studio that adapts the Japanese work system and culture, Jiva Animation held a Kangeikai as a welcoming event for its new team on May 6, 2023, at Kedaishi Ramen in Malang City. Although Kangeikai actually has some rules and ethics that must be considered, Jiva Animation’s Kangeikai was held in a relaxed atmosphere like a “hangout” event in Indonesia. Jiva Animation hopes that this Kangeikai will be the beginning of a good and harmonious relationship between new members who will work together as a team in the future.


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